What should I do for the rest of my life?

It seems that we are expected to leave high school at the ripe age of eighteen and know exactly what we want to do for the rest of our lives. It’s stressful, frightening, and overwhelming. I can barely decide what I want for lunch every day, much less what I want to work as for the rest of my life!

Safe to say my first year of University was a little bit of a trial-and-error. I started off as a nursing student, knowing that I loved math, chemistry, and biology. However, I quickly learned that I was not a very hands-on individual (I pumped my partner’s blood pressure cuff up to 300mmHg once, ouch!) and eventually realized nursing was not for me. Naturally, this caused a lot of anxiety – I felt like everyone but me was happy, loved their program, and knew exactly what they wanted to do for the rest of their life.

Wrong! In fact, roughly 70% of University students switch their majors at least once before they graduate. As a result, Lakehead had a ton of support services and options available for students like me.

The first support system was the Student Success Center. The SSC was instrumental in helping me to figure out what was the next step. They were my academic support. I truly had no clue what I wanted to do next, and they helped me to create a timetable for my second semester that had a variety of classes so I could try out some new things! Also, though I didn’t end up doing any, they have career tests that you can do to help to pinpoint your weaknesses, strengths, and possible career matches! Neat, huh?

The second support system at Lakehead, though not related to academics, was the Student Health and Counselling Center. Changing majors and figuring out your future (or so it seems you are) can be stressful; in fact, it caused me to become very anxious, sad, and depressed. I had panic attacks and lost weight. The doctors and counselors (which are on site) helped me to manage this anxiety in a healthy way. This was perhaps the darkest period of my life, and I owe them my mental health.

Lastly, deans, professors, and other students were very helpful!  They helped to give me ideas about different programs (to be honest, I hadn’t considered much outside of nursing before this) and what different careers are out there!

So what did I end up going into?

Business! Weird, right? Ask me three years ago if I thought I would have been a business student, and I would have laughed at you. However, going into Business was the best choice I ever made for myself. I love it, and I feel confident doing what I love. It was a rough road, but I am so glad to be here! Three years ago I wanted to become a pediatric nurse. Now, I am on the path to become (hopefully) a personal financial planner!

The bottom line is, if you are unsure of what you want to major in during University – don’t stress! What you choose isn’t what you have to stick with. You can switch five times if you want to (I know some people around there!). University is not only about building a future but about finding yourself. The only way you can find out if you enjoy something is if you do it… and if it doesn’t work out, onto the next one! The Lakehead experience is a journey, not a destination. You get so much more than just your degree out of it.