As a former Lakehead University campus tour guide, I’ve had a lot of frequently asked questions. I have decided to post some of them here for easy reference!

How many students attend Lakehead?
In the 2014-2015 school year, Lakehead University had approximately 7,200 undergraduate and 600 graduate students.

How big are the classes?
First year introductory classes (ie. Psychology, Economics, Sociology) tend to be the largest with about 200-250 students. Depending on your program, classes generally run around 20-30 students. Upper year classes often have less than 10 students. We pride ourselves in small class sizes, allowing for one-on-one time with your professors and other students.

Are scholarships and bursaries available?
Yes! A lot of students don’t realize this, especially first year! Canadian residents coming out of high school automatically receive a scholarship ranging from free tuition to $3,000 (over four years) if their average is over 80%. Information is available here. There are also scholarships award at the beginning of each semester, ranging from under a $100 to thousands of dollars. Often these require an application and are competitive. You can find information here. Keep an eye on your Media Bulletin (in your Lakehead email) to alert you when applications are out.

How much are parking passes? Do I have to buy a pass for the full year?
Parking passes vary in price depending on the length of the pass (monthly, semester, school year, all year) and what area you purchase in. You can find all rates here.

How much will my textbooks cost?
This varies per program, but I generally suggest budgeting $1000-$1200 for books your first year. It’s better to budget too much than too little.

Do I have to stay in a dorm?
First year students, unless mature students, are usually required to stay in a dorm. Being in a dorm eases you into university life and allows you to meet students in the same situation (often leaving home for the first time). In your later years, you can apply to live in the townhouses or apartments on campus.

Are there off-campus accommodations? What are the prices?
There are a variety of off-campus accommodations including apartments, townhouses, and student houses (where 4-5 students share one house). Many are very close to Lakehead campus. The price varies on location, size of the room and number of students, and the general state of the building. Most are comparable to on-campus accommodations, while others are more expensive.

Will University be right for me if I suffer from a mental illness?
As someone who suffers from severe anxiety, I know how daunting a new adventure can be. You can find a lot in my blog about going to Lakehead with mental illness. There are many resources both on and off campus, such as the Student Health & Counselling center and various websites. If you are in a dorm, you will also have your residence life team, not to mention many friends that are probably going through the exact same thing you are! Don’t worry, it’s a journey worth taking and you’ll never know until you try.

Should I get a job my first year?
This question is primarily based on personal opinion and experience. Most students do not work their first year, making the ease into university life a little less stressful. However, I worked my first year and had no issues (granted I lived at home). On-campus jobs are a great option for students that don’t want to travel into town for work and only want a few hours per week. They are also a great way to build character, your resume, and make friends. It’s completely up to you! Ask around and see what other students are doing.

How did you get your job as a tour guide?
On-campus job postings are available on mysuccess.lakeheadu.ca. These positions are only viewable (and available) for current students at Lakehead, but this website also has some good information for incoming students, too!

How to find University life with a mental illness?
Though I used to be a lot more reserved about my anxiety, I’ve learned that being more open about it is more helpful to both myself and others. I have found a lot of support at Lakehead University, and in surrounding communities. We have on-campus doctors and nurses (for medication, if needed), counselors, mediation sessions, puppy de-stressors (yes, puppies!), hikes, and more. Life itself is difficult with a mental illness, but I don’t stop it from me pursuing my dreams.

What is your favourite thing to do in Thunder Bay?
I love hiking – at the Cascades, Kakabeka Falls, and even just around campus and neighborhood, I can’t get enough! I highly suggest going for a hike… you’d find a lot of little animals out here. I also really love going to watch/feed the deer at Mission Island Marsh Conservation Area. This is a pretty common thing to do here! (Can you tell I’m an animal lover?)

More coming soon!

If you any further questions, please don’t hesitate to contact our Undergraduate Recruitment department at recruit@lakeheadu.ca!

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