The Tunnels: A (Literally) Hidden Surprise

I’m surprised to find that a ton of new students coming onto campus have no idea that we have awesome, warm, underground, lit, and heated tunnels that connect to a ton of buildings on campus (and student services!). I also realized after a bit of digging that there isn’t a whole ton of pictures or even information online about those tunnels… so here it is!

I’m sure you already know that Thunder Bay gets pretty cold in the winter. That paired with a good amount of snow can make getting to classes a little chilly. Luckily, our underground system of tunnels makes it a lot easier (and warmer) to get to class, the caf, main campus, etc.

The tunnels connect to the majority of buildings on campus including:

  • Ryan Building (primarily business, math, philosophy),
  • Nursing and Braun Building (psychology, nursing, outdoor rec, forestry)
  • Agora/Regional Center/University Centre (social work, geography; cafeteria, bookstore, security, Tim Horton’s, etc.)
  • Centennial Building (the sciences, engineering)
  • Library

It also holds a ton (and actually the majority) of on-campus student services including: Campus Tech, Student Success Center, Student Accessibility, Aboriginal Lounge and Cultural & Support Services, Financial Aid, Graduate Studies, LUSU, the food bank, and a variety of centers (Sustainability, Gender Issues, Aboriginal Awareness, Pride)

Working at the bookstore (which is almost at the entrance of the tunnels), a lot of students come in asking where a particular service is found. When I say “in the tunnels”, some of them look at me funny. These are a hidden gem that a lot of brand new students don’t even know about – and to be honest, I didn’t use them nearly as much as I should have in my first year… mainly because I was afraid of getting lost. In reality though, a few loops around (it’s literally two hallways and they are signed well) and you’ll knew exactly where to get where you need to be! The tunnels are an awesome little feature of campus, and as I like to say “very Thunder Bay”.

Oh yeah, and did I mention the absolutely beautiful artwork on the walls? There is a beautiful mix of traditional Aboriginal artwork as well as re-works of famous paintings, and some beautiful scenery and originals! That mixed with the skylights makes the tunnels a nice shortcut to class!

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If you happen to be coming to campus, make sure that you check the tunnels out – and of course, if you’re taking a tour, you’ll be taken through them, too!
Also if you are interested in seeing the tunnels on a map, they are the blue dotted line on the map here between BB/UC/LI (they don’t look long, especially on this extensive map, but trust me… they are smack in the middle of 95% of the places you’ll need to be)!


We Spoke… They Listened!

One of the greatest parts about the winter semester is that we get a “Reading Week” – five blissful days without class to catch up on homework, write papers, study, and of course… relax! It’s a great opportunity to refresh yourself and catch up on some things we’ve been slacking on… mainly, sleeping and hanging out with friends!

Up until this year, Lakehead has not offered a fall reading week. Quite unfortunate, considering the course load for most students is the same in both semesters.

Well, for the last couple of years, students – and our student union – has been advocating for a fall reading week. Well, guess what I got an email about today?!Untitled

WE DID IT! This is an amazing example of how when students come together, they can make a huge impact on their University policies. It truly amazes me how we as students could make this happen and plead our case. For the next two years there will be a pilot program happening at Lakehead, introducing a Fall Reading Week! This is a huge victory for students and great opportunity to the make the time at Lakehead all the more enjoyable. Again, I am so proud to be able to see that students could come together and talk to their University about what they needed and wanted.

When you come to Lakehead, you’ll find that we love reading week. It’s not just a time to put your nose in the books. There are often a lot of fun activities going on such as volunteer opportunities, skiing, skating and snowboarding, sports and fitness class opportunities, and more! A lot of students also take the time to go on vacation – or visit home! This year I will be volunteering at a fundraising run for the local women’s shelter, as well as visiting the USA with my mom! I’m so excited.

Winter Reading Week Dates:
2016: Monday February 15 – Friday February 19
2017: Monday February 20 – Friday February 24
Find all this information HERE.